ricardocurbelo.com WHOIS DOMAIN NAME RECORDS see here
Dear reader,
The purpose of this page is to make you aware of unauthorised online sellers of domain names; those unscrupulous opportunists would be prepared to charge for the problem they dump on you.
Please be aware that: ricardocurbelo.com is not up for sale. That, except the owner, nobody is authorised to make ricardocurbelo.com available for sale or for being transferred.
ricardocurbelo.com is the domain name formed by the name of its founder and owner Ricardo Garcia-Curbelo, which provides the current appropriated website online ricardocurbelo.com for Ricardo Garcia-Curbelo as a freelance musician and stage performer in general...more about ricardocurbelo.com
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Apreciado Lector,
Esta página es con la intención de alertar a quien le pueda servir:
Sea usted bien conciente que ricardocurbelo.com no esta para la venta.
De y igual manera sea usted conciente de los vendedores inautorizados, quienes intentan vender nombres de páginas corrientes o activas en el Internet; dichos oportunistas sin escrúpulo estarían listos para cobrar por los problemas que les empaquetan a las personas.
Sea usted advertido que: Ecepto el dueño de ricardocurbelo.com, nadie esta autorizado para ofrecer de venta o de transferir a ricardocurbelo.com ni dentro del Internet o fuera de ese campo.